Friday, December 31, 2021

Merry Christmas Eve/Day

I thought I'd start with a picture of the hot one!
Ok, anyways, we had a good evening with dinner and the traditional Christmastime story (I Believe in Santa Claus for this year.  My favorite!).  It was funny hearing Levi and Ruger's versions of making it through the story before opening gifts.  Ruger was complaining even with me telling him that it would only take maybe 3 minutes to read.  Of course, Levi is at an age that he doesn't mind but he did tell me how hard it was for him when he was around Ruger's age and how it seemed like the story always took forever!  It made me laugh but it also made me wonder just how effective reading the story really is!  I want it to be about Jesus and not just the gifts but maybe that isn't getting across...ha!

The following day, Christmas Day, we had the missionaries (Elders Hoffman and Cluff) over for lunch/dinner.  It is always nice to have their presence in our home.

Christmas seemed to be here and gone before I knew it.  But it wasn't stressful as I was out of school for the break and none of us really had much to do.  It was relaxing.

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