Saturday, August 8, 2020

We Have 3 Teenagers!

On July 31st, David and I became parents of 3 teenage boys.  Honestly, I'm having a hard time writing this.  2020 has brought a lot of changes.  A pandemic, everything shutting down for a time, the boys having to end the school year with online schooling, wearing face masks everywhere you go, no church for a time, less time being physically with friends...and while these things were all because of Covid-19 there was added changes in our family.  Brigham turned 16 so now we have 2 boys who can date and drive.  Hyrum turning 13, which gave us 3 teenagers.  Levi will be starting his senior year in a few weeks.  

2020 is a year to remember for sure.

We celebrated Hyrum's birthday with rootbeer floats, opening presents from family in Oklahoma, and ended it with David and the older boys playing Roblox with him for a few hours.

The next day, David took Hyrum and Ruger up to Washington Terrace to pick up 2 of Hyrum's best friends.  They went to a trampoline place and then out to eat afterwards.  I love that even though we live an hour and half away from these boys, Hyrum still keeps them close through online games and getting together on birthdays and such.

Hyrum is my most talkative boy but only when he wants to be.  He still gives me random hugs, without me asking.  He loves playing Terraria, Roblox, and Minecraft.  He has a fascination with Japan and recently started learning the language through an app.  He is sensitive to noise and smells.  He fights the most with Ruger but interestingly he is also the one who plays with Ruger the most.  I love watching him light up and suddenly start talking more when a compliment is given to him.  But he isn't comfortable in "bragging" about himself.  He is still very literal in his words and in the way he understands information given to him.  He is not like typical boys his age in many ways and one of my favorite things to remind him is that, that is ok.  We need all types of boys who grow up to be men.  He will offer the world a unique type of man someday.  One who will be sensitive to others while being loyal.  I love this unique boy of mine very much!

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