Thursday, July 25, 2019

Temple To Temple 5K

David and Levi started off Pioneer Day, July 24, with a 5K run from the old Provo Temple to the new Tabernacle Temple in Provo.  They have been running every other evening of the summer preparing Levi for joining the track team at Mountain View High School next school year.  So when they heard about this Temple To Temple Run, they knew they could handle it.

 I can't remember going to a race of this size before, so for me it was neat to experience the sound of all those feet pounding the pavement as they ran by.  Last year they had over 20,000 people join the race so I'm assuming that is close to what I saw yesterday.

The participants were supposed to honor a certain ancestor while they were running.  Levi chose his namesake, Levi Hancock, while David honored Levi Hancock's son, Mosiah.

Later that day, our family and Helen went up the mountains where we went on the 4th of July and watched all the fireworks across the valley.  It was a nice and relaxing Pioneer Day for our family.

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