Friday, July 19, 2019

Birthday Tubbin'

For Brigham's 15th birthday, he wanted to go to Washington Terrace, get his old friends, and head to the river up there and go tubing.  

David was the one to take Brigham up there so I can't say much about these pictures but they sure do make me happy.  I love his friends so much.  They are just good kids and the fact that they still want to be around each other even though they live so far away from each other says a lot.

Brigham.  15.  I could bring up the physical changes in his body or the way he looks at life now at this age.  But the thing is, he's just a good boy.  I mean, that is what really describes him.  He defends those he feels have been handed injustices.  He was like that as a little kid, too.  He's super shy now; something he definitely wasn't as a child.  But he's trying to break out of his shell.  He actually taught in his Priesthood class last Sunday....BRIGHAM DID!!!  He has always said he would flat out say no if someone asked him to teach in class or Sacrament.  So that was a big deal.  And maybe next time he's asked he will say no but at least he is trying.  Sometimes I can see places in my life where I could try more in removing myself from old habits.  But I don't.  My 15 year old is a good example to me.  Maybe I will try harder now, though.

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