Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Levi's Braces

I think most dentists will send their young patients on to referrals to orthodontists, even if they seem to have straight teeth.  I'm a good example of that.  I have what I would consider "straight" teeth but I think I was in middle school when I was given retainers.  I lost them shortly after and so they never got "fixed" but that is ok because I like my teeth.  When the dentist told us that Brigham should go see an orthodonist I thought, "Are you kidding me?  His teeth are great!"  But I didn't say anything because maybe he is self conscious about something I'm not aware of.   I asked him if he wanted to go and he said, 'No way!"

Levi, on the other hand, has been wanting braces for years.  We just hadn't been able to do it for different reasons.  And as you can see from his mold below, he most certainly needs them not only for his over bite, but for crowding issues as well as straightening.  So Levi is a little late in the game for braces but I'm kinda glad because he is for sure responsible enough for them.  Other than that pop drinking of his, he is really good at sticking to all the rules of what not to eat and how to brush.
 Normally I would never consider taking Ruger to something like this but I kinda had to.  And you know what?  He really surprised me!  He was pretty interested in what that they were doing and watched for quite a while.

Levi was nervous about what to expect as far as the pain but as he usually does, he rarely complained afterwards.  He and Ruger have the highest pain tolerance I've ever witnessed on anyone.  David didn't tell Levi this before he got the braces but David told me that when he got his that he felt like the following day like someone was ripping out his teeth.  It only felt like that for a day but for that day it was really painful.  Levi hardly said a word.  I gave him some Aleve and he was good.  He said, "That really helped Mom."  That kid!  I have so many stories like that about him and pain.

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