Today our branch of 31 years was made into a ward. David, the kids, and I opened the back door into the overflow of the chapel as President Stout asked if we would support this new ward. Did I hear that right? I asked David and he was as shocked as I! I then went to sit down next to a new member, Sister Landrum, and I asked her if we had just been made into a ward. With a big smile on her face she said, "Yes! I don't really know what that means though." I love converts! I was reminded of that as I was teaching my first lesson in Young Women's today. It was on eternal families and as I went to teach the young women certain principles I was kind of torn between teaching those things that the girls who grew up in the church have heard over and over again (the same things that would be good for our new young women like Chelsea Landrum) or bring in something new to the topic. The girls let me know quickly that they had just went over the degrees of glory in Sunday School and so I was relieved to have that decision made for me.
I love these girls more and more as I get to spend more and more time with them. They remind me of the things I learned in college that changed me so much. They also remind me of the importance of guiding my children in these latter days.
Motherhood is near to divinity. It is the highest, holiest service to be assumed by mankind. It places her who honors its holy calling and service next to angels. (First Presidency Message on Parenthood, given in 1942)

Every Sunday after church, the Thatcher, Beck, Adams, Moore, and O'Dair families get together to have lunch; rotating between houses. David and I really needed to take the time to get some things in order and I wanted my Sunday family time that we have lacked for a while now. For some time now, Sundays have been our family day. We always knew that after church was just a day left of just being together. That doesn't seem to happen anymore. So we got the kids in the van after church, got some lunch, and headed to the park! I love how the Lord places people and things in your life to confirm things. Tricia just happened to drive by the park and saw us and before I knew it I was crying in her arms of truths being realized. There is the letter of the law and then there is the spirit. Soon followed a sweet text from another friend, Rose, who followed the spirit. Wow, it is hard to put into words exactly how you feel about something so strongly felt. Anyways, cute picture, huh? Those are BRAND NEW church shoes by the way!
Go Grove! That is very exciting news!
Wow! How exciting is that Elder Grigg mentioned you were a ward now in his letter today, he was pleased with the news. Sunday dinners with friends that are practically family has been a tradition in our family for years. No wonder our son was so comfortable with your family, I think we have many things in commom. I also taught the lesson in Young Women's yesterday and I do believe serving in Young Women's is one of the hardest yet most rewarding callins I have ever had. As for the new shoes he will out grow them before they wear out anyway =) Thanks fo the mini scrap book and thank you.....It was a wonderful suprise. Your the Best! Love Ya Ruth
I don't know if you will see this Ruth, but you are very welcome. It was fun putting it together but most importantly, I just wanted you to know how much we love(d) Elder Grigg. David misses him a lot. He was so much more than a missionary. If I could say one thing about him it would be that he had down the whole service thing to a T! Such a good boy.
Darn, That last comment is from ME Rose Dang it! Jolayne didn't sign out of google. So, THAT'S My comment Lol")
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