Last week was the kid's spring break from school. We didn't go anywhere special but we stayed busy all week long. We started the week off with a play date...

...and ended the week in a play date!

I got to spend two dinners with old friends.....

....and with newer ones!

I had to work most of the vacation so the boys spent a lot of time with Me-Maw, Poppy, Auntie and cousins. I'm pretty sure they loved it!

I'm grateful for cell phone pictures. I would be at work and get these adorable pictures (like these last two) from Auntie with the comfort of knowing that my kids were safe and having fun!
I love the last photo of Hyrum all hunkered down for the night! lol:) SO FUN to spend time with you my friend...
I love that your tongue is always out to the side. One of these pictures you'll actually be licking someone :)
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