Where do I even begin?! First, thank goodness for camera phones!
See how Hyrum is soaking wet? I am soooooooooooo grateful that isn't toilet water! But it is bathroom water. I was in the RS room with the Young Women having our Wed. night meeting when Brother Van Ornum poked his head through the door and said that he needed to see me. I walked out the door to find Hyrum literally dripping with water. Brother Van Ornum proceeded to tell me how he caught Brigham leaving the bathroom as he was entering the bathroom and found Hyrum with the faucet on full blast with his little hand jammed underneath it; thus spewing water everywhere! Then Sister Jones came up and told me how she felt somewhat responsible. I guess prior to this, Levi and Brigham had gotten into a fight where Brigham slapped Levi in the face....thus this picture.....
When I sent the kids to bed tonight Levi's face was still hot! Anyways, I guess she sent Levi in the bathroom to get a wet towel to cool his face. Brigham and Hyrum soon followed. Hyrum went straight to the faucet and started playing. Brigham followed and Levi was out of there because he didn't want to get into trouble!
So after I had a little talk with Levi about not worrying so much about getting into trouble and worrying about others first and not fighting, talking to Brigham about leaving his brother in the bathroom while he was making a mess and of course the fighting, and then Hyrum about not playing in bathroom water we all got the privilege of cleaning up the bathroom! I only cleaned up the windows because the boys couldn't reach them and wrung out the mop (but only after Brigham first trying to get all the water out) though. These boys were going to clean up their mess! Honestly though, I was proud of them because not once did they complain. I think they knew they had consequences to suffer. I think, all in all, it went well. I should have known better. Just last week at church I had lost Hyrum and Drake Roberts after running to the van to put away the wipes. In that amount of time the boys had went into the boys bathroom and did the same exact thing.....only much less damage! And the members of our church family were so good about it all. I could tell Brother Van Ornum was irritated at first (rightly so!) but later he came up and apologized because he was afraid he had offended me in the way he reacted and was afraid he had scared Hryum when he pulled him out of the bathroom. In no way was I upset at him. And Sister Jones was so cute with her thinking that she had something to do with it all. Sister Androsko had a good laugh with me while little Jessica Roberts told me that any 4 year old boy would do the same (speaking of Drake). I love my church family even more after tonight!