Very rarely do you hear of the stories of the ultrasounds being wrong anymore but they do happen. Amanda and little Spencer is proof of that. Today Amanda was scheduled for a C-section to bring into this world Analise. The doctor had been teasing Amanda while prepping for the C-section that she was really going to be having a boy so you can imagine just how much she believed Dr. Behchtol when he told her that indeed it really was a boy. She only believed him when she saw the shock on Stephen's face when he was able to see for himself just what made his girl actually a boy!.
It is weird the things you remember. I have a terrible long term memory. But for once something stuck in my brain. This morning when I called Mom, I could hear Spencer in the background with his tiny cries. I was able to be with Amanda and Stephen when Logan was born in Rexburg, Idaho and I heard those poor little cries of that premature boy. Spencer sounded just like him!
Then I got there and he looked like a fat baby Logan! Spencer only weighed 7 pounds, 6 ounces but that was so chubby compared to little Logan at only 4 pounds, 11 ounces.
Since Nanny was in town, I decided to invite her to have lunch with Hyrum and I at the Head Start. We got there early so we were able to join in on the songs. With the Day Care that her and Dad own she knew all the songs and movements!
As we were leaving Hyrum threw a fit. He doesn't cry anymore when David drops him off in the morning so the only reason I can think of why he did it this afternoon is maybe because last time I took him home after I visited. Mrs. Dayla told me afterward that he had TWO accidents after we left and he had a real hard time calming down. Even after his nap he was real crabby.
2 days ago
Very Cute Alisa, Tell Amanda Congrats and Spencer really does look like Logan Cute! So nice that your Mom was able to be with you and Hyrum that's one thing I would hope to do someday with my grand kids. Gotta love em' ")
Tell Amanda congrats! What a surprise! My sister had a little boy today too!
Wow, what surprise. I guess your parents really are meant to have mostly grandsons. He is so beautiful, tell Amanda congratulation for me!
What a surprise! It will be fun to have two little boys to play together though. Did she have a lot of pink?
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