Friday, March 24, 2023

Catch Up

I am soooo behind!
Here I am with Cami just before watching the latest Psych movie together.  I love her so much.  She is so easy to be around and just a good example to me in so many areas of life.  But sometimes, we just want to watch stupid humor!
I usually go out to lunch with a friend or more probably every other week.  It keeps me sane.  Saying I need friendships is an understatement.  Here we are with our "Mormon Mimosas."
The last few years my Valentines Day has consisted of nurturing Leia and Hyrum's relationship.  After this picture, I took them to go hang out at the mall.
I'm interning at the Utah Foster Care Foundation.  When I found out that the Relief Society was looking for a service project, I asked if we could make bags for foster children being removed from homes.  Most foster children leave their home with a trash bag full of their clothes or belongings.  It's sad that this is one of the things they have to go through, yet it is honestly probably one of the easiest things they will go through.
We also collected socks and underwear, as that is the biggest need the foundation has right now.
Okayu is growing and just such a joy to have.  We all love her so much!  I call her my little wrecking ball.  Cats are known for not caring for other's personal spaces but oh my gosh!  This girl doesn't just get in your business, she comes at full speed doing it!

For my birthday, David took me to Thanksgiving Point.  My favorite part was the butterfly biospere.  It is so calm and relaxing in there.  
Okayu helped Ruger fall asleep one night.  
Christine took me to a himalayan salt cave for my birthday.  It was incredibly relaxing.  Afterwards we just talked, like we always do.  I love my Christine.  She is a lifelong friend that I will NEVER let go of.


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