Saturday, July 2, 2022

June Update...In July

As soon as we were able to start going to the pool, Ruger and I were on it!  Ruger would go everyday, if it were up to him but we typically stick to 3 days a week.  Everytime we go, we bring different friends with us.  A couple of times, Hyrum came and invited his friends as well.  

I'm not a sun person at all but I have always loved the water.  Add a Mom of some of these kids that we bring or invite, and I have a talking partner.  Going to the pool is so good for me as it forces me to get some sunlight and "talk therapy" with my friends.

Levi and Grandma Helen came over for Father's Day.  Earlier, David had went with Brigham and Ruger up one of our canyons to ride their long boards.  He said it was a good relaxing day.  He deserves that!
Brigham got to go shooting with David and some friends of ours a couple times this month.  So far, he's the only boy who really likes going with Dad to shoot guns.  I'm next to positive Ruger will be following in his footsteps soon.

We celebrated Grandma's birthday at Olive Garden.  
I found this ringlet coming out of David's beard and for some weird reason had to take a picture of it.
For the most part, June was really good for all of us.

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