Friday, August 6, 2021

Summer Madness

I blinked and before I knew it, school is almost in session.  This summer has been a different one for me.  It started off super busy but after a few weeks, I had hardly anything to do.  I started to see the signs of summer depression sneak into my life and knew I had to do something about it.  I got a few friends involved and before I knew it, weekly things were scheduled and I could see a real difference in my mood and attitude.  Things really picked up these last few weeks and I only have a week and a half with my boys until they are off to school again!  Reflecting on this made me realize there were a few things I forgot to journal about.
Like being able to go to the temple again weekly.
Going to the Adams family reunion.
Celebrating Grandpa Adams' 76th birthday.
And reuniting with a dear friend.

Being able to go back to the temple after they were shut down for months, because of the pandemic, has been such an amazing blessing.  I focused a lot on getting temple work ready for when the temples opened back up, and that helped, but I still missed doing the work inside the temples.  It feels so good to be back.  Speaking of being back, because last year's Adams family reunion was canceled (because of the pandemic) family members were able to be together once again this summer.  This is why we were able to spend time with Grandpa Adams.  I'm really grateful he stayed an extra day just to spend time with his grandkids.  It meant more to me that he probably realizes.

Kyla was a friend I made while living in Rexburg with David soon after we married.  She is a dear friend that I will make effort for the rest of my life to make sure that I stay in contact with.  We may not get to see each other often (she lives in Idaho) but make no doubt that every time we reunite, there is no awkwardness.  We may have a lot to catch up on, but we are right back to sharing our deepest struggles, joys, and lifting each other through both!

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