Saturday, October 12, 2019


 A few weeks ago, Levi had his first cross country meet.  After I picked him up, I asked him when there would be another one that parents could go to.  He said something like, "Oh, you could have went to this one."  I told him that I wished I would have known because (somewhat jokingly) I would have came with signs and a blow horn!  He quickly told me that people don't do stuff like that at these meets.  

He should have never told me that!

Yesterday was the next race and so I brought a sign that had a picture of him on it with "TEAM LEVI !!!" written on it.  I had planned on waiting until after the race to use it and the instant he saw us, to hold it high in the air.  But Ruger saw the sign and was so excited about it that he waved it every time Levi would pass by us (which was several times) during the race!  I really had planned on being somewhat nice about it but Ruger was just so cute wanting to yell and show his brother!


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