Saturday, October 19, 2019

For King and Country

My favorite band/group is For King and Country.  I love that they are a Christian singing group but they also add a love song here and there in their music.  Because of this, I can listen to any of their music around my kids and know I don't have to worry about the influence of it.  Add to that, that they are just amazing musicians.  If you watch any of their live performances on you will quickly see that they are not just singers.  And even better, they don't play just one instrument.  They play multiple!  I love their way of writing music and it often makes me sit and think about certain things.  These are the reasons why I love them so much.

Hyrum and I had the opportunity to watch them in concert last night in the Salt Lake City area.  I've only been to a few concerts in my life.  I'm sure its because I'm cheap.  I just can't get myself to spend so much money on watching a performance when I can use that money for other needed things.  I mean, I can watch them on right?  

A year or so ago, our family was at Frontier City in Oklahoma City.  TobyMac was performing there.  It was Hyrum's first time seeing a musician perform in that type of setting.  He already likes Christian music and he was familiar with his music because I have a few of his C.D.s.  Watching Hyrum at that concert was a memorable moment.  He got emotional during a few of his performances and I knew that I needed to take him to similar events.  

The For King and Country concert last night was our second concert together since the TobyMac experience.    Though I don't like spending money on concerts, it is worth it to me to do so when we can.  Hyrum's connection to Christian music is something that I really enjoy watching.  

 At one point in the concert, the two brothers of the group, separated and started to walk in the stands full of people.  Joel Smallbone walked right past us!  I know he is just a human being like anyone else, but it was still super cool!
At another part of the concert, the brothers presented an organization that helps individual children in impoverish countries.  The children need financial help with obtaining food and education as well as being able to attend church services.  They gave everyone in the audience a chance to sponsor a child.  Sadly, I have to admit that I didn't want to look at Hyrum during this part of the concert.  I know his tender heart!  I knew he would want to do it.  Sure enough, even though I wasn't looking at him, he asked me if we could do it.  

I get so caught up in trying to save money to get to a better financial place for our family that I can force myself past that sweet Spirit that tells me that I should use our money in a different way.  And that's exactly what I did...until Hyrum asked me what he did.  After that, it came so easy.  I asked him if he would be willing to commit to one year.  One year of helping me around the house to pay for this opportunity.  He was eager to do so.  

At concerts that I have been to in the past, I have always wanted to leave before it was over.  Always.  I love music.  I do.  And some are better at performing it in a way that keeps my attention. But there just always seems to be something in the back of my mind that I want or need to get done.  Or its late and I don't want to travel tired.  Those are usually the 2 reasons I want to leave before a concert ends.  But this concert I really did not want to end.  Every second of it was wonderful.  Even waiting during the intermission wasn't "painful" because I got to just talk to my son, one on one.  

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