Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Halloween 2019

Halloween began with a church dinner, activities, and trunk or treat the Saturday before the actual holiday.  The older boys dressed in dark clothes as they did their part of the activities (they were in charge of a "haunted" room).  And even though they apparently made a little kid cry, I was still proud of them for helping out with the festivities.  It is fun watching your kids grow to take on responsibilities like this.  They could have been out and about having fun but instead they were entertaining others.  I don't know why it made me so happy but it really did.

 Ruger was Batman/Spiderman!  He couldn't make up his mind on which one to be so I thought, "Why can't he be both?"  It turned out to be a pretty funny costume considering the 2 super heroes come from 2 totally different comics/universes.  David pointed that out to me after I had decided to get all the stuff Ruger needed for his costume.  I knew Uncle Chuck would be proud!

It had been a real tough week for me so it was hard to put on a happy face but I'm glad I went.  It forced me to socialize and it was a good reminder that our family belongs to a really great Church full of members who care about each other.
 On Halloween, Levi actually dressed up for school...if that is what you want to call this!  So, he already had this hoodie that everyone says looks like the 90's Solo/Dixie cup, so he decided to get the matching joggers and went just as that.  That kid cracks me up.
Hyrum got with a few of his friends from school and they all dressed in some kind of blow up dinosaur costume.  He went out with his friends on his own while David and I went trick or treating with Ruger.  Brigham had a friend come over and they just played games and ate a lot of junk food.
It was a very cold night but that didn't slow Ruger down one bit.  David and I laughed often that night as we watched him run from one house to the next, never once getting tired or complaining that it was cold.  Oh, to have his energy!

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