Without going into too much detail, the days prior to our leaving Oklahoma City in our van and David's truck, pulling a trailer, were difficult. It was hard getting the house cleaned, getting our stuff as well as some stuff from the company in this trailer, and things in order. The day of our move was especially hard. But like our friends do, people came together to help us get out the door. We may have had a rough time getting things together but it never fails that the Lord sends us physical earthly angels in our friends. One of the biggest was our neighbor Candy Roberts who just came and started cleaning. Didn't even ask her. I think it is safe to say that she was listening to the Spirit when He told her that her friend and neighbor wasn't handling things well.
But it eventually came time to leave, we said our goodbyes, and were on our way. If I thought that the hardships were going to be left in Oklahoma City, I was soon reminded of how hard Satan will try those who are trying to listen and do as the Lord asks of them. Our stay in Oklahoma City, while working on the Lord's temple, was met with a lot of physical and mental anguish for me. My poor husband had to witness me, time and time again, go from being somewhat ok to an anxious, depressed woman who couldn't quite find herself. I know I caused more worrying for my poor family than I can ever really know. I really wanted to leave that behind in Oklahoma. I still do.
But that doesn't mean Satan didn't want one last round at me and my family. He really didn't want us to finish what we started in Oklahoma City and let me tell you, He certainly doesn't want us in Canada!
Once we left Oklahoma City, we soon found out that this was going to be a longer trip than expected. And when I say that, I mean by days! We can't go over 60-65 miles per hour. Take Wyoming for instance. You can drive 80 miles per hour. Most people drive 5 over that. Now imagine being at the pace of 60-65 miles per hour...and that is if you are lucky enough to not being going uphill! I didn't realize how frustrating it feels with going this slow. So that was one thing. Then that first night, my phone died. We did not feel like we had the time to stop and get a new phone and we certainly didn't want to spend the money on it but I had to have a phone! That night, we only got as far as Wichita, Kansas. But we soon found out that the rest of the trip would be just like this. Not getting very far each day.
The following day would be the kicker of it all. Kid you not, less than 24 hour after my phone dieing, David's phone did. The problem with his is that his is a company phone and it was the weekend so off to the store to buy Walkee Talkee's it was for us! Then David's work credit card stopped working. Thank goodness we had a credit card for emergencies! We also bought a DVD player for the truck for Ruger and he broke it in less than 24 hours by pulling out the wires of the back of it. Grrrr....
But we stopped in Colorado for a snow break and I'm so glad we did because I was about to loose it!

We got to our hotel, ordered pizza and waited. And waited. 45 minutes passed and we called them up and found out they never took our order. Yeah, they took our credit card information and ran it but never took the order! I don't even know how that is possible without having an order to put that money on but they admitted they did that when we called! So at 9:30 p.m. we finally had dinner. I cried, got over it with comforting hugs and reassurances from my husband, and went to bed.
The next morning was the Sabbath and since we were not going to church, we had our own little lesson. It was interesting how it worked out. My Dad had been texting me the night before reminding me to stay positive and helped me to remember the important things. But my Mom texted something Sunday morning that I used in my little lesson. We were talking about the woman who came to Jesus even though those around Him were making sure that others knew she was a sinner. She did what was right even when it may have seemed incredibly hard to do so. My mom texted me and I shared with my family, "Dearest Sissy, your Dad told me all that is going on with the trip. All I could think of while he was telling me is what a wonderful surprise is awaiting you in Canada. The adversary is trying his best to get you down. You and your family so you must be going to have a wonderful experience in Canada. I truly believe this."
I truly hope I remember this for the rest of the trip. Because even when we got on the road on Sunday, we ran out of gas at one point. I could have easily thought, "Are you freaking kidding me?! When will this stop?!" But David and I just laughed and we used the other vehicle to drive to the nearest gas station to fill up one of the gas cans that we had in the back of David's truck. Then we realized that David's truck has to be worked on tomorrow. So instead of freaking out, the boys and I are heading to an inside water park tomorrow while David gets the truck fixed. I mean, what else can I do? I can freak out like I did Saturday and make everything terrible for everyone around me or I can enjoy the time spend at the water park tomorrow and let the Lord take care of the rest.
And can I end this post with something really positive? The weather has been amazing! As I'm writing this, we are in northern Wyoming with snow all around us but not one bit of that snow is on the roads. I'm so grateful for that.