Monday, January 21, 2019

Aaronic Priesthood

Hyrum now holds the Aaronic Priesthood.  With the Church changing when the boys can receive the Aaronic Priesthood (now they can receive it at the beginning of the year that they turn 12 instead of when they turn 12) Hyrum was able to make this decision yesterday.

I cried when they announced his name in Sacrament meeting and I'm even crying now as I type this.  Hyrum was my baby for 7 years before Ruger came into our lives.   For 7 years I thought Hyrum was my last child.  And I know that in some ways I have continued to treat him like that.  Hyrum and I are very close to each other and so I had this emotional feeling come over me in Sacrament meeting yesterday.

My baby is growing up.  Funny thing is, though, he doesn't want to grow up.

He has said for years that he likes being short and small.  But I never chalked it up to him not wanting to grow up.  This year has brought talks of puberty and such and he has made it clear he does not like it!  Not just talking about it, I mean he doesn't like going through it!  I thought he thought it was gross or something but yesterday I realized, he just doesn't want to grow up!

It's so hard for me to fully understand because other than his cousin Shaylee, I've never known a child, and especially a teenager, who doesn't want to grow up!  They usually love the idea of becoming a teeneager, driving, and making their own choices.

A few days ago, Hyrum got his first zit and he informed us all that he did not like it one bit and that he wanted to stay a kid!  But having said that, over the years he has told us that he couldn't wait to receive the Priesthood.  So yesterday, I think he was a little at odds with himself.  He doesn't want to grow up but wants to do the things that would bring him closer to his Heavenly Father.  Poor kid.  Already a little anxious soul. Which is another thing that I cried about yesterday.  Oh how I never want to them to be depressed or anxious.  Ever.

But today is a new day and he is back to his "kid" self.  A happy and kind child growing up to become a man.  And I'm so very proud of that.

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