Saturday, November 17, 2018

Just another random post

Levi made some money cleaning up the temple site.  Most of his money went to Driver Ed School but some of the leftover money went to this Ramen hoodie.
 It made me laugh because of the obvious but also because it reminded me of my youth.  I spent my money on clothes all the time...and then I lived on my own and became really cheap.  Ha!
 Just a cute fall school picture of Ruger.
 I had a Pinterest Party today with some friends that I go to church with.
 So, everyone found something on Pinterest and made 3 of them.  We put our names 3 times in a bowl and then drew names when it was our turn to show everyone what we made. You then give your creations to the 3 names that you drew.  This way, you come to the party with 3 things that you made and leave with 3 new things.  I really, really enjoyed the time spent with these ladies that I look up to.
This picture of Brigham, on Halloween night, is all his creation!  He and David went to Goodwill and found this ensemble.  He called himself the "Taco Bandit." 

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