Saturday, October 27, 2018

Halloween Stuff

Halloween seemed to come up real fast this year.  I still haven't even gotten a few pumpkins for the boys who want to carve them!  But my friend, Linda McAllister, helped me get into the spirit of things, just a little, by asking Hyrum and I to go door bell ditching with her.

Her and Hyrum were in church a few Sundays back, when door bell ditching was brought up.  To door bell ditch, you leave something nice on someone's door step, ring the door bell or knock, and then run off.  It's real fun to do around the holidays because then you can base the treat off of that holiday.  Linda wrote on the treat bag tag, "It's not a trick just a treat."

I love having friends who will do little things like this to serve our neighbors.
 Yesterday, Ruger's daycare/preschool went to a pumpkin patch.  Hyrum wanted to go as well.
 Spartan Soldier
 "Blue Batman" as Ruger calls it.

It is fun watching Ruger with other kids.  He tends to be the leader or a friend that they just want to be around.  Later that night was our ward's trunk or treat.  Ruger was with 2 older kids, at one point, and had to go to the bathroom.  Those older boys waited outside by the door until Ruger came back (and you know Ruger...he got distracted and started running down the halls.  By the time we corralled him back to got out side where the boys were, a good 10 minutes had passed!).  Those boys were still waiting on him!  My point?  Ruger makes friends real easy and he makes an impression.

Hyrum, on the other hand, has really struggled with the friend situation since being here in Oklahoma.  He had his own little group while we lived in Washington Terrace and most of them were friends that I saw often.  It has been so hard not seeing the same thing happen here for Hyrum.  So to see Hyrum with this boy last night at the trunk or treat was what this Momma has been wanting to see for a whole year now.

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