Saturday, August 18, 2012

Friends....what would we do without them?

 Brittany was in from California visiting family so I jumped on the chance to have lunch with my old college roommate.  It didn't seem right not having Charlene there to make sure that my pulled pork didn't have any fat chunks in it so I had to settle for shredded beef in my smothered burrito :)
Earlier this week Preston stayed the night with the boys.  We let them go to the park and stay out late with glow bracelets.

I am so grateful for the good friends that I have as well as my husband and children's friends.  Some last a lifetime.  Others just for a certain period in your life but you know what?  I don't think that any of them are any less special.  I was thinking back to how Brittany and I have stayed in touch since college and then I thought back to Amanda Bishop while we were living in Oklahoma and how we rarely talk anymore, yet she was essential to my staying sane while I was there.  Does that make her any less special?  Nope, because I desperately needed her friendship at that period of my life.  I needed Brittany's example while in college and for some reason we have made sure to keep in contact.
I am just so grateful right now for all of my past and present friends.  They shaped me and teach me more than they will ever realize, I'm sure.


Char said...

I wish I could have been there with you! I've been sick the last few days and with figuring out what to do with my kids, it just didn't work out. I love that picture of you two. Love you both!

Apeeee said...

I haven't even read this post. I was so blown away by your beauty I had to comment! I am so proud of your hard work. Not just losing weight but by living healthy and for being who you are! You are so back and I love and miss you! ...ok, now I'll read the post.