This summer we got a kitten from the Roberts family. Not a surprise to a lot of people because I love cats but a surprise to some because David is allergic to them. We tried in Colorado to keep kittens (with the help of allergy medicine) only to have to get rid of the kittens because of David's allergies. We tried again in Utah (this time with a full grown cat) with allergy medicine again but this time we also took the cat to the groomers every few months to have this special treatment (dip) they put on his fur and used a special brush like thing to cut down on the shedding and amazingly it worked! Sam was such a beautiful long haired, blue eyed, Siamese cat. We were sad when we had to leave him behind when we moved to Oklahoma.
Then came Nico (pronounced Knee-co).....or evil tiddy (that is what Cason called him this summer when I was babysitting him) as I called him up until very recently. For someone who really likes cats, this cat sure annoyed me! Annoyed me so much that if it wasn't for David, I would have gotten rid of him a LONG time ago! He is not like any cat I have ever had! Most cats are known for their snobbishness of coming out only on their terms and loving on you only when they want to be pet. I can certainly see why so many people love dogs, I mean, they are so very friendly and want to please their humans all the time but for some reason they bug me. If I wanted another child following me around, well, I'd have another child! I know! Sounds horrible but dogs really do get on my I guess it serves me right that we got a DOG CAT!!!!! This cat always has to be in our presence, comes to the door when someone knocks at it, when visitors come and sit on our coach he immediately sits on their laps (yes, even strangers!), constantly meows (I feel like he is barking at me!), walks right in front of me when I walk around the house (you have no idea how many times I have stepped on this cat.....and yet he keeps doing it!). He is also not afraid of water like dogs. He tries to get in the shower with us (I mean, what cat likes water.....seriously!). One of his favorite spots to just sit is in the bathroom joke, if you turn the water on, on him, he will just sit there and look at you like, "What? You want me to move?" Ok, so all of this just might be endearing and all you dog lovers out there are probably saying, "Hey, I could actually have this type of a cat." But don't be fooled.....he really was eviiiiiillllllll! He would hide out between furniture or where ever he could and wait for you to walk by and then attack you! Remember, this thing had claws! You would see him being all sweet looking on the couch just laying there and think, "Aw....I want to pet him." But no! He would seem to be sleeping but the second you put your hand on him he would bite you! I'm telling you, he was evil! David found this all hilarious and made it even more fun for him to play with him. He loved that he would attack him back!
Ok, I guess I should say that in Nico's defence he did come from the Roberts home (with 5 crazy kids) and into our home of 3 very hyper boys.....yeah, Nico pretty much never had a chance.....

Here he is is having to be the center of attention. The boys and Daddy got out the Legos and immediately, Nico planted his body right in the middle of it all.

And since he annoys me......I annoy him! Hey, at least they were clean underwear!

Now, this is actually kinda cute. This is Levi's stuffed dog. He loves this dog but has pretty much given it up to Nico. For some reason Nico just loves this dog. He will carry it around in his mouth until he sees a human and then put it down in whatever room that human is in and just tares into it!

Ok, so about a month ago even the kids were begging us to get the cat declawed. I found some back alley vet to take care of his claws, shots, and neutered all for $65....that is a steal! Yeah, he is an old man that should have been retired years ago and his office was disgusting but once again, I didn't really care for the cat so off he was going! I kept telling people that just maybe the vet would "accidentally" put him to sleep.....forever!
Well, he came out of surgery perfectly and I would say "Darn the bad luck" but he actually has changed quite a bit. I have decided that having him neutered must have drastically changed his testosterone levels or something but he doesn't really attack us anymore. Seriously, this cat used to jump on your face in the middle of the night while you were sleeping! One time I was laying down with David watching TV and he jumped on my face and clawed me out of nowhere!
OH EVIL TIDDY........I am so glad you have left!