A lady at church, Anna Gibson, is moving out of our ward and moving closer to her family. I love Anna so much. For as far back as I can remember, when I think back of memories of Anna I just feel love. She has always showed me in many ways that she loves me. She sees something in me that I often don't see. I truly love her and am going to miss her dearly. Tricia, Rose, and I have been packing her things up and getting her ready for her move this week, though I haven't done even half as much as Rose and Tricia has done for Anna. I am so grateful to have friends like these girls who are willing to serve such a wonderful lady when I couldn't do as much as I wanted this week. They are all such good examples to me.
Today was Hyrum's Easter egg hunt with Head Start. I wanted to help Tricia out with Sofie while she was packing Anna up, so I brought her with me when I headed to the Grandwood Assisted Living to meet Hyrum and his Head Start friends.
Hyrum was excited to see his "Sosie." I look at pictures like these and can't help but wonder who my children will marry. Will I have pictures of my boys at young ages with their future spouses?.....I can only hope!
Sofie and I got to the nursing home before the Head Start kids showed up. While we were waiting a nurse came up to Sofie and told her how pretty she was and how he hoped that she was the one who found the golden egg.....little did he know that she would!
I was so impressed with her! I felt bad that she had won 1 of the 2 grand prizes because she was not actually one of the Head Start kids. But she was so good and did not complain even once about sharing with the other kids.
I'm pretty sure we have a picture of your boys and my girls somewhere....
YES!!!!!!!!!! Arranged marriages here we come!!!!
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