This morning, Tricia came over bright and early to watch Levi and Brigham as David and I headed to the hospital to have Hyrum's adenoids removed. I talked to Hyrum about his surgery last night (though I don't think he had a clue as to what I was talking about) but didn't even think to tell the older boys. So I warned Tricia this morning that they didn't know, though I wasn't afraid because my boys LOVE the Wilson family! While we were waiting for the surgery to happen and while we were waiting for him to wake up I sent text pictures to my family (including the ward family:) so Tricia showed them to Brigham and he said, "Oh, now I know why you are here!" Even though she had already explained to them what was going on. I love my cute boys!
So here is Hyrum checking his nurses' (Nichole Spencer) temperature. Nurses are always my favorite part of a hospital stay or surgery. Seriously, I don't know if I have ever had a bad one. They seem to have been born to serve! Actually, they tie with my love for........LOOPY MEDICINE! There is nothing funnier than seeing a 3 year old high! He was SOOOOOOOOO funny when he had his rectal biopsy with his reaction to the loopy medicine. So we were looking forward to it today....the stinker spit most of it out though! But some of it must have got in his system because by the time the other nurse came in he was waving by to us :)
Before we knew it, Dr. Allen was in telling us that everything went great and Hyrum should be in with us shortly. But as more and more time passed a nurse came in to tell us that everything was fine, he just didn't want to wake up. I just laughed because that was exactly how Levi was when he had his cyst removed. He was one of the first to have his surgery and the very last out of all the kids in the recovery room to leave because he just slept and slept! I think it is a blessing, though I think they worry a little about them not getting up so soon. I can understand but it sure is nice having a child wake up happy while every other kid is screaming around you!
When we got home, Tricia had done our dishes and had a gray stuffed bunny waiting for Hyrum. Not to long later, Grandma and Grandpa came by with a balloon and Hershey Kisses. After I picked up the other boys from school, Hyrum had so MORE stuff waiting for him at the front door from the Bishop family. By this evening, Mom and Dad had came by with a stuffed animal and I found out that Anna Gibson had went by the hospital to see if Hyrum was still there. What a cute, spoiled boy!!!

2 days ago
Its always something with your family! When are you going to call or email me again? I went out with Ryan and saw pulled pork sandwiches on the menu. I was tempted! I think of you every time I see that on a menu now. I just have to smile to myself.
Memaw and Poppy are seriously the best!
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