Tonight we had a special surprise waiting for the missionaries when they came to our house.....a surprise birthday party! Elder Morrison and Elder Sattler's birthdays are just a week apart so it seemed a perfect opportunity to let them know how much we appreciate them both. David uses the missionaries quite a bit for service projects and such so we sure do appreciate their dedication to serving the members of the branch.
As we waited for the missionaries to show up the kids kept busy with this bubbles/rocket toy. They jumped on that orange part of the toy and up went bubbles and the rocket. Once again, thank you Little Americans Day Care!
I think the missionaries were very surprised when they showed up for what was suppose to be just Family Home Evening with the Adams Family and then pulling up to tons of people outside. They seemed a little on the confused side as we said, "Surprise!" and then sang happy birthday to them.
Everyone brought a little something to add to the dinner and all in all, I think everyone was well fed.
When we started FHE I had this large amount of love for the members of our little branch well up inside of me. I thought of something that I watched after one of the conferences this past week. There was a show on BYUTV about the members in the France area. I think it was about the members after WWII. What stuck out to me was how they spoke of how close all the members were back then. Meetings were all throughout the day, back then, on Sundays and so families pretty much just stayed all day at church instead of going all the way back to their homes (some lived quite a distance away). The families ate together and just really had a close community because of it. I was thinking of those members during that time in France. I am very grateful that I don't spend all day Sunday at church, I have to admit, but I couldn't help but wonder if we are missing out of the closeness that they felt for one another. It felt really good to feel so much love for all of the members of our little church as I was listening to Elder Sattler and President Roberts teach us of the importance of prayer.
2 days ago
Look how cool you are. Such a good idea.
What a fun birthday! I bet they really appreciated that and will always remember their fun birthday party. I love love love that last pic. So cute!
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