I started working for the Census again this week (I'm hoping this session of the Census lasts longer than last time) so it is back to a busy schedule. It is funny how things work sometimes. For the past few weeks we have really been struggling with getting enough work and therefore, finances. But just like it has continued to prove happen in times past, it gets as bad as it can and then a miracle happens. David is working full time now, I'm working full time and the flower shop wants me to put in some major hours during the week before Mother's day. Pay your tithing and all works out! That is one area in the gospel that I have never lost faith in.
So I came home Monday and had to throw together a Family Home Evening lesson. The night before, Spring Houck and I had went and saw the girls that we visit teach from church. One of the ladies, Sister Allen, sent us home with tomato plants and bean seeds. So I knew that our activity would center around gardening. So off to the computer I went for some ideas on how to teach kids about gardening. I didn't really like what I came across so I decided to take the LDS route and of course there was a slew of internet Family Home Evening ideas out there on gardening. I could incorporate the love Heavenly Father has for us in all that he gave us here on Earth with His creations...to faith being like our little bean seeds that can grow as we nourish it with prayer. And while all of the ideas I came across was wonderful and true I decided to go with the Resurrection. So we talked about how plants die in the winter but come back to life in the spring and how it symbolizes Jesus' death and resurrection.
I love this picture! I love how the boys want to help so much and how little Hyrum just wants to do what the big boys do. The girl in this picture is Julia. She is our neighbor and she comes over quite often. She joined us during our lesson tonight. It's nice having a little girl around here!

It's not much of a garden but we don't own the yard and I wanted what little area we could get away with to be next to the fence so that the beans could climb up it. I'm excited to see how it all turns out.
good luck with your garden!! Yes, tithing is a wonderful thing!
What a fun FHE. My kids loved picking tomatoes to eat when we had a garden. I bet your kids will love it!
Just remember that gardening in pots is easy and effective! The kids love to look at the plants grow and Tyler gets to water them every day (when it doesn't rain too much that is).
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