Today was our Sunday to cook lunch after church. Not as many family members came this time but most of the cousins were there and so the kids were happy. Levi and Brigham had been looking forward to playing with their flying helicopters since they got them for Christmas but we haven't been able to get them out due to the weather. Today was a pretty nice day outside so we told the kiddos that once Daddy got home from his meetings at church that they could play, for the first time, with the helicopters and to make it even more special, they would get to do it with their cousins. Unfortunately, while we were waiting for David, Grandpa read the instructions and found out that the helicopter is suppose to charge up for 3 hours before using it! But it didn't take long for the kids to use their imagination and play with the simple things in nature.....a tree and it's branches! I came out to ask them what they were doing and I was quickly told that Shaylee and Levi were the parents and that Brigham and Elton were the sons. Shaylee told me that they, "were playing like they were poor and that we have to make our own rooms." The things that kids think of! I thought at the time that it was funny but as I'm writing this I'm starting to wonder the lesson that I could learn in this. Two things are coming to mind: 1) That according to the way they were role playing, you can still love and be loved when poor and 2) that they really "get" what being poor is. I know a lot of people who use "poor" a lot when describing we should feel sorry for them. I've been guilty of it but are we really poor? Not really. We have a roof over our heads, we are warm at night ( maybe the Buttons don't fall in this category....see ....umm....did I just call you poor?:) , we have plenty of food to feed our kids along with some yummy snacks in between, the kids have been given plenty of clothes from all their grandparents and they get to join things like soccer and cub scouts on occasion. Jeez really, those poor people in Haiti are poor. We certainly are not poor and honestly, I don't know a single person who would actually fall in the poor category. Yes, I know plenty of people who have more than others but I certainly don't know anyone personally who is poor. I'm feeling pretty blessed right now.

Then finally came the time to fly those helicopters that the boys have been waiting since Christmas to fly......thanks again MeMaw and Poppy! Ok, so we couldn't wait the whole 3 hours but it was worth listening to those kids get so excited (see the following can't help but smile while listening to their giggles and squeals!) over just a few minutes of battery time!
2 days ago
Hey! WOW!!! It's been a long time! Send me an email ( so we can catch up! =)
In so many senses of the word we are or have been poor haven't we? But because of the gospel and the perspective it gives us we can laugh at the "poor" stories and they don't get us down. That shows how rich we are. I love that you look for the life lessons in everyday living, thanks for sharing them with me! Love ya!!
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