So, Brigham's two front teeth have been loose for a while now. He would not let us wiggle that thing out for anything. I guess he was scard from the last time he lost one of his bottom teeth. We were living with April and Elton at the time and Elton kept asking Brigham if he wanted him to pull his tooth out. Brigham was nervous about it and told him no but Elton told him that he wouldn't...that he just wanted to look at it. So my trusting Brigham goes up to his Uncle; Elton wiggles it around a little bit, tells him that it is so close to coming out and then RIPS it out of his mouth! (Ok, maybe a little bit of exageration there for a good story :) Of course Brigham cried and cried and there was blood which you know how that is to a child. If there is any blood, well, someone just might die! Anyways, these front top teeth of Brighams have been hanging there for what seems like forever. But what I thought was funny about it is that on Friday Brigham actually asked if Uncle Elton could take out his tooth! So maybe he didn't scar him after all. Well, we didn't have to have Uncle Elton do it after all because tonight as I was trying to get his shirt off before his bath, it must have yanked on that tooth and out it went flying. Isn't he cute?! Levi had to point at Brigham's tooth just in case who ever saw this picture couldn't tell what tooth he lost....funny boy!
Another funny thing while the kids were trying to get in the bathtub was a few comments about a certain male body part. I remember my mom making a comment once when Levi was a baby. He was just under a year old and in the bath tub. Some friends of ours came over, Ben and Laurel, and someone made the comment about Levi examining his penis. My mom said, "Yes, that never changes. He will always be obsessed with his penis." I have to admit that it embarrassed me at the time, saying it in front of my friends. Now, I just think it is funny and oh so true it is. Levi was getting in the bathtub tonight and he was complaining about how hot the water was. I told him to slowly get in the water. So he puts his feet in and starts to put his booty down in the water when he says something like, "I have to be careful. I don't want to get my penis in the hot water." Forget about all his other body parts....just don't mess with the penis! Then after Brigham gets in I look over at him and he is looking down and says, "Mom, why is my penis purple?" Before I can tell him that it is because he is messing with it and needs to let go he informs me that "maybe it's because my tooth fell out." So there you have it. A penis really does have everything to do with everything in life!
1 day ago