Friday, January 12, 2024


Brigham's boyfriend from Spain came to visit for a couple of weeks in October.  I felt like I had a good idea of the type of person Alex was through video chats and all that Brigham had told me about him over time.  He did not disappoint when we finally got to meet him!  Alex is such a great and likeable guy.  It was so easy to talk to him and just be around him.  
Once I knew it was ok with Brigham, I wanted our family to spend as much time with Alex as we could so we could get to know him better.  So, Alex and Brigham spent the days together while we all hung out in the evenings.  Every night (with an occasional day in there) we did something new like visit Ashton Gardens and the Butterfly Biosphere (with Christine), join an Escape Room, tour Temple Square, Corn Maze, double date, and a few other things I'm sure I'm forgetting.  But what I remember the most was giving some first-time experiences for Alex like playing in snow and eating shaved ice...but then again, Alex gave us a first-time experience in having real Spanish food!  It really was a memorable couple of weeks!

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