Saturday, April 3, 2021

Hyrum's Angels

Hyrum has been having a hard time lately but I am a witness that when you ask for help, have faith, and wait, the Lord will provide angels in the flesh and blood to come and help rescue you.  
Leia is one of his Earthly angels.  They met at church and they became fast friends.  Here they are at a dance recital she was performing in recently.
Another angel that came to the rescue was my Mom.  She was here within 24 hours of her knowing that we needed help.  She stayed with us for 2 weeks cooking us meals, watching Ruger when the rest of us had places we needed to be (or me doing homework!) and was my friend that I needed to get me out of my head when I wasn't handling it all very well.

There were other angels (and lets not forget Daddy who took off 2 weeks to be home with us.) that came to help our family because they love Hyrum so much.  Our church family was amazing.  Our neighbors were caring.  My friends from far away kept texting and keeping in constant contact to make sure we were ok.

So who ever is reading this.  There is one who will always love you.  And He will provide help if you ask, are patient, and willing to look with eyes that can see the good.

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