Thursday, January 2, 2020

My Cup

When someone says their "cup" is either full or empty, it seems to usually refer to whether those around them are lifting them up or not.  At least in my mind that is how I seem to relate the phrase.  

My cup seems to be filling pretty full during this trip.

It has been so difficult at times, yet my cup has been full of kind and beautiful gestures throughout the trip.  Family members checking in on me.  Texts from loved ones because they were out of state and couldn't physically be there (Hannah).  A friend of mine (Robyn) from high school came and visited Grandma in the hospital while another high school friend (Corrie) came to Mom and Dad's house to find me even after Grandma's viewing because I wasn't there when she came to the funeral home.  It meant so much to me that she went that extra mile to show me love.  And there were get togethers where friends cheered me up through laughter before Grandma had passed.

One that really sticks out to me is Valerie and Laura.  Long story but they both ended up coming, separately, to visit me the day before Grandma passed away.  They both just let me talk about my Grandma and then had me laughing by the end of our visits.  Which is what I needed.  I needed to talk about her.  So many times people don't bring up loved ones because of their fear that it will make some one sad.  But I wanted to talk about my Grandma.  And then when it got too much, they made it better by making me laugh.  What a little miracle Heavenly Father gave me by letting these 2 friends of mine come the day before my Grandma would pass away.

But my biggest fueling up came from David and I going to Branson, Missouri.  Grandpa insisted that we go for our anniversary, even though Grandma had just passed.  I was not going to go but after some words of wisdom from my husband and then Grandpa insisting on it, I knew I needed it.  And needed it, I really did.  I truly enjoyed it, even if I stopped to cry now and then.

We spend 2 days there, both of those days in Silver Dollar City.  I just can't express correctly how much I needed this distraction.  To just be with the love of my life.   To be with the one who could truly comfort me better than any other in this world.  To be with the one who could give me words of comfort, over and over, that no one else could quite get as right as he did.

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