Sunday, January 17, 2016


 I was re-reading what I had wrote in my last entry and forgotten to write about some of the illnesses.  I had forgotten that our illnesses actually started with Ruger getting Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease. I wanted to write about it because it was weird.  It started in the diaper area and then slowly moved down his legs and ended with a few bumps on is hands.  It was weird because usually it is located on the areas of the name of the "disease."
The other thing I wanted to document isn't that big of a deal (Pink Eye) but the story behind it was a little amusing.  So, the day before Ruger's adoption, Hyrum wakes up with Pink Eye and I get a call from one of our adoption workers that certain paper work hadn't been filed.  As you can imagine, I was stressed.  But the paper work ended up working out and we got the medicine needed for Hyrum's Pink Eye.  However, I thought it was humorous that when I was getting the medication from the pharmacy, the pharmacist suggested that I have a grandparent or someone watch Hyrum during the adoption so that he didn't expose his illness to anyone else.  Oh yeah right!  Like I'm going to make Hyrum stay home and miss his brother's adoption!  I don't think so.  And yes, I had told her about the adoption and she still thought it was a good idea to keep him home.  Sorry, but not sorry.  Not keeping Hyrum away from this amazingly, important day of ours.
But on to the real reason I got on to journal :)
 We have been blessed with many wonderful friends among our many moves.  But before those moves, David and I were starting our family in Rexburg Idaho.  One of our dearest friends there was Christine.  I used to joke with her that she was Levi's second Mommy.  My parents lived in Oklahoma and David's in Utah and Nevada.  When you are doing the parenting thing by yourselves you rely heavily upon the phone with your family and even more heavily upon those physically around you that become your family.  Christine was that family.
She loved Levi so very much.  She was so good to us.  So good to Levi.  Physically there to help us while he was a baby.  So when she found out about Levi and what he has been dealing with lately she wanted to distract us.  So she and Michael took us all to Toads Fun Zone on Saturday night.  The boys had such a wonderful time. 
 I know this activity was about Levi but there were so many photo opportunities with Ruger and all these "firsts" as well as all the bright lights!

We got the results back from the MRI.  The radiologist feels it is a tumor bound to the bottom of the tongue muscles.  The ENT has never seen a tumor attached like that so he is skeptical.  He was originally hoping it was a cyst or even lymph nodes coming together.  He is really at a loss as to what it is now. He knows it needs to be removed though which is one of the reasons he is sending us to Primary Children's Hospital. He wants another opinion before they go in to remove it so they have an idea as to what it actually is before they take it out and put it under the microscope. He also wants Levi there because of where the surgery will be taking place on his body. There is a possibility that it will push back the tongue when swelling and cause him to choke.
So now we wait some more.  Waiting for the consultation appointment.  But I wouldn't want him anywhere else to have the surgery.  A place where I know he will have constant pediatric care.

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