Sunday, November 29, 2015

Baby Blessing

Yesterday morning we headed down to Spanish Fork to have Ruger's baby blessing as well as see Abbie baptized.  I am truly grateful that Abbie was willing to share her day with her cousin.  We expected to have Ruger's baby blessing after Abbie's baptism program but to our surprise, they added his blessing during the program.  He was given a name and a blessing that spoke of Ruger's patience and good nature.  He was told to focus on his talents as he is growing up.  For these talents are what will get him through the trials in his life.
The speakers did so well speaking to Abbie about the importance of baptism and the Holy Ghost.  I walked away remembering that the Holy Ghost is our friend.  He truly is.  He always wants what is best for us and guides us in that direction.  What a truly wonderful friend he is!
We went to Stephen and Holly's house afterwards to spend time together and eat lunch.  Though we didn't get to spend as much time together as I would have liked (it was important for me not to stay to long to take away from Stephen and Holly's time together.  Stephen is living in South Carolina right now for work and only gets to come home for a few days, once a month), David did receive a wonderful blessing from Heavenly Father through Stephen. 
I love Priesthood blessings.  With how much I love them, it says something that this one was quite special.  Stephen was the perfect vessel to be telling David what Heavenly Father wanted him to learn about change.  How change is a catalyst to us getting back to our Father in Heaven.  With what Stephen is going through right now with him being so far away from his family for such long periods of time as well as dealing with a stressful situation with his job, it couldn't have meant more.  I knew he knew what he was talking about.  He is personally dealing with it right now.  David has dealt with changes in jobs for years.  I have never known someone who has experienced as much change in jobs as David has.  This was never in his plans, yet it was always the Lords'.  Sometimes that is hard to remember.  Hard because who wants to go from job to job all the time?  Who wants job losses?  Who wants to be set back in your career every time you join a new company?  Who wants to look like, to the outside world, he can't keep committed to something as important as a career?  It is hard to remember that the Lord has His plans, that will be put into motion, when your plans are not aligned with His in your perfect world scenario.  Anyways, I'm getting off of the subject at hand; his blessing. 
He was also reminded of how special he is and was.  The importance of his decisions in the preexistence.  How important it was for David and I to adopt Ruger; for his path was now set in a very different direction had he been able to go home with his biological mother from the hospital.  He spoke of how difficult it would have been for Ruger to know the Lord had we not done what we did with Foster Care.  I very hesitantly put this in here.  The sealer in the temple spoke of this as well.  Twice he brought it up.  I didn't want to write it down for fear of bragging.  But after this blessing from Heavenly Father, I knew I had to record it.  All I can say it that David and I are just so grateful the Lord gave us the chance to even do it.  Going back to all of David's job changes and moves, it would have never allowed for it in the past.  Yet, we finally were able to stay somewhere long enough and be stable enough to actually do Foster Care.  These are my thoughts but what are the odds?  It is so rare to hear of people adopting so soon after just starting Foster Care.  Yet our first placement brought us this perfect little boy.
I will just end this entry with saying how grateful I am that this all occurred.  How it occurred.  When it occurred.  We love our son, Ruger. 

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