We left Oklahoma on New Years Day and made it to our destination on the following Thursday. We could have made it a lot sooner but after the hard few weeks leading up to the move, plus having the funds to do so, we decided to take our time and really enjoy ourselves. I loved watching the differences of cultures in each state we went through (especially New Mexico) and change of scenery (Utah would be my favorite).
Despite my constant threats of throwing Nico over the Rocky Mountains, he did make it safe and sound to Utah.

We stayed in Moab, Utah Wednesday night. The next morning while I slept in David took Brigham and Hyrum on a few dirt roads that lead to these beautiful pictures.

I wasn't there but I love this picture of Brigham being a big boy and climbing the rocks all by himself. To the left of the picture is a frozen stream that they walked over.

Often people will makes comments about the trip and sound as if I should be a wreck but honestly, leading up to the move was so stressful that the trip out here was really a vacation for me. I enjoyed it very much.
Before I left, I was able to spend time with old friends. April and Spring got a small group together for me for a farewell lunch (they know I don't do well with large crowds), ward family stopped by to say their goodbyes, neighbors came over to help and the list goes on. I was very blessed. But my favorite had to be with this girl....

This is Laura Ogden Snow. She was my best friend from 4th grade till our senior year in high school. Sure we had our typical friend fights but through it all we always found our way back to each other. I could always be my very silliest around her. I still can't believe that for as close as we were, that this picture captured the first time we saw each other in 15 years! We haven't seen each other since we graduated from high school! Soon after high school she moved to California and I was always gone for college or living in some other state when she would come home to visit family.
When she came to our house in Grove, just before we moved, I couldn't stop hugging her. I took her back to my room so we could just talk and honestly I just wanted her all to myself. I hadn't realized just how much I missed her until that moment she walked through that door.
Go figure, she and her family are moving back to Oklahoma this coming summer but that is ok. I am just so grateful I got to be young again as I talked with her that day. I will always love you, Laura!