We slept in this morning (some of us), cleaned house, took naps (some of us), and then headed off to Mom and Dad's house for some gingerbread and cookie decorating.

After that I pulled the kids aside and read to them a book called "A Candle In The Window" to help them get in the spirit of Christmas and not just the presents.

Just before our traditional "hamburgers on the grill" Ronald put in the movie, "To This End Was I Born." If something will stick with me for the rest of my life about tonight, it will be this movie and Levi. There is a scene in this movie of the soldiers putting the crown of thorns on Jesus' head. I was watching Levi at this moment because he is so tender hearted and I wasn't sure how he would take it. Sure enough, at this part he grabbed the top of his head. I continued to watch him as the soldiers, in the movie, whipped Jesus. Levi started crying and so I asked him quietly if he wanted to leave. He did and so he and I (and baby Layne) went into the kitchen to talk. He looked as if he was going to cry again at any moment as I asked him if something was wrong. He wouldn't answer me so I asked him if he was sad because of what had happened to Jesus. He immediately started crying. I hugged him and we had a talk about how much our Father in Heaven loves us and what He allowed Jesus to do. It was a sweet and tender reminder that I hope to never forget.

Lots of fun was had as Poppy handed out the presents......while April and Ronald put them back under the tree! Awwww traditions....what would we do without them?

I am truly so grateful that I have an Eternal Father who loves me so much that He let his son come to this Earth to eventually save me. I am so grateful that Father in Heaven loves me so much that He put me in a family with the background of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I am grateful for family units and that He guided me to David to help raise these 3 boys of ours. I am grateful.