I love my children. They are not perfect, but I love my children. Yes, they argue with each other but I'm happy to say that I'm not one of those parents that say things like, "My children are always fighting with each other!" Maybe they are not old enough to be at that stage yet but I'm hoping that it just means that they are special boys.
Last night I watched as Brigham and Levi were role playing. I had just gotten out of the shower, so I couldn't tell you how this all started but what I walked in on was Brigham pretending to be Jesus. David pointed it out to me pretty much the second I walked into the living room. It took all that I had not to let them see that I was watching them. I didn't want them to stop and I didn't want them to say or do certain things just because I was watching them. It also was hard for me not to grab them up and give them big fat kisses! These are some of the phrases I heard them saying:
Brigham - "Pretend I was over here and I died and I flew over here to be with my family (he is the one playing Jesus).
Brigham - "Pretend I have holes in my hands."
Brigham - "May I take your order?"
Levi - "I would like a thousands bread!"
Once again, I really love my boys!
So cute!! "A thousand breads!" Hilarious. You are doing a great job if they want to role play Jesus, rather than the crazy retarded cartoons my kids like to act out.
That is so great! I love that he "took Levi's order" and Levi asked for the very thing Jesus did for the people... a thousand breads! So cute! You are such an amazing mommy!
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