Friday, September 30, 2022

FanX 2022

Hyrum and Leia went to the FanX Comic Convention again this year but so did...

...the rest of our family!  Zel and Desiree offered to buy the rest of our family tickets so that we could experience a ComicCon.  Honestly, I didn't want to go.  I was already planning on driving Hyrum and Leia up there but was just going to drop them off while I went and visited a friend in the area.  I am ot into fantasy stuff at all.  Not even a little.  But David really wanted to go and wanted us to go as a I gave in.  Once I realized that this could be a new thing for our family to experience, I knew I should go.  Plus, David does stuff for me all the time that are not his "favorite" things to do but he does them anyways because he loves me.  

We were offered the tickets the night before FanX, so Hyrum was the only one prepared with a costume.  It really stressed me out trying to figure out how we were going to pull off costumes for those who wanted to dress up with such short notice, so David took over.  And he didn't do bad at all!

A neighbor of ours once told David that he looked like Kratos from God of War so Desiree slapped on some red paint and there you go!  A costume!  Ruger was all in to being Kratos' son, Atreus, once he realized he'd get a bow...well, and because he got to be like Daddy.  
Leia's Mom, Carolina, was the first to point out to me how much Levi looks like Timothee Chalamet.  I told Levi that and before he knew it, other people were telling him that too.  Bam!  Easy costume!
Hyrum dressed up as one of his favorite YouTubers, Ranboo.  The wig was annoying at times but he kept it on the whole time.

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