Sunday, August 14, 2022

Hyrum's 15th Birthday

We celebrated a short little birthday for Hyrum last month but wasn't able to do anything until this last week because of his friend's schedules.  Brigham made him a Tes Leches Flan "cake."
When it was finally time to celebrate, Hyrum, Leia, and Corrinne went to the Labyrinth to do a reality game/escape room type of thing.  Ruger and I went to the adjoining trampoline place while we waited on them.
After that, David, Levi, and Brigham met us at a Korean BBQ place.
I had to get just a picture of just Hyrum and Leia since it is kinda their thing to make this Korean "love" sign in pictures and to each other.
The following day,we met Arika and her mom, Heather, in Salt Lake at Fat Cats to go bowling.  Arika and Hyrum haven't seen each other in around 7 years since she and her family moved to Japan.  Since she was back, the first thing Hyrum said he wanted for his birthday was to see Arika again.  They both have grown up so much!
What do I say about my 15 year old Hyrum?  He may have ADHD in his being distracted easily but a lot of times I feel it is one of his biggest strengths.  His brain is incredibly intelligent.  As far as loves, well, of course, Leia!  But he also loves playing games with his online friends, Takis, anything Japan, and Anime.  He still randomly gives me hugs, will lay on my bed when I'm working on homework or genealogy, takes time out to play with his Seiiki, and going on walks or the mall with his friends.  He has a friend in Brigham and knows he can open up to him in ways that he can't with others.  He's a good boy and I love him dearly.

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