Most of these pictures were taken in May. I'm kind of going backwards with these pictures but it was a good month of activities, spending time with friends, and catching simple moments here and there.
We were actually REALLY sick on memorial day so we didn't get to do our annual grave decorations for soldiers and children. It was actually just a few days ago that we finally had a Family Home Evening over the sacrifices soldiers have made for us over the years, the amazing sacrifice of Jesus Christ, and how we can sacrifice things in order to become closer to our Savior. This year we went to the Orem City Cemetery. Brigham found these precious baby birds in a nest next to one of the graves.
David puts Ruger to bed every night and stays in there with him until he falls asleep. On this particular night Seiiki helped Ruger fall asleep. Having this dog has brought us more joy than I ever expected.
Rachel came over one night and had dinner with us. Afterwards David, Rachel, and Ruger went up Provo canyon to ride down one of the trails on their longboards and motor bike.
Brigham wasn't the only one who graduated in May. So did Monica! So we celebrated her one night with dinner and gifts. I have no doubt that she has worked hard getting her high school degree as she had to move out of state and switch schools, work a full time job, and have to live without parents in the home her senior year. She is a strong, amazing girl and I'm so grateful Levi has her in his life.
The Orem mall has a new play area and Ruger was all over it!
This is a picture of us with Elder Seth Williams. I grew up attending a branch (Church) that his mother, father, and sister attended. Our families were very well aquainted with each other, did many activitites together, and served together in the Church. Seth was born after I moved away so I didn't know him as well as the rest of his family but when we found out that this Okie was called to serve a mission in Orem, Utah I was excited! This was our first time taking him and his campanion out to dinner. There will be many to follow!
A friend of mine, April Thompson, and her nephew, Jack, wanted to go to the Hogle Zoo in Salt Lake City so Brigham, Ruger, and I joined them. I had to take this picture since it made me think of Grandma.

Some Mother's Days are more special than others and this year was one of them. Three things really stood out to me. One was at church with David. That Sunday, the men were taking care of ALL of the callings that the women usually take care of so that we could attend Relief Society and a brunch. Just before attending the brunch, I hurried to the Primary room to make sure the cabinets were open for the men when I realized I had forgotten my keys at home. I scrambled through the church trying to track some other keys down. By the time I got to Primary it was a little chaotic in there. I tried to put out fires while trying to get those cabinets opened when finally David came up to me, held out his hand, and said, "Give them to me (meaning the keys). We've got this." I don't know why that meant so much to me but it did. The second thing was this picture of a note Brigham had written to me. It made me cry as I realized that he realized just how much I have been through with him and loved him straight through it all. The third was having Levi AND Monica come over with gifts for me later that evening and staying for dinner. I was so grateful that even though he had moved out that Levi would still come over for Mother's day and that Monica would feel close enough to me to celebrate me even though I wasn't her own mother.

David and I got to go to a hockey game and watch the Utah Grizzlies win this part of the play offs with some friends of ours (Will and Amy Pitt). I'm not a sporty person but I sure do like watching Hockey in person. I hate fighting. Like boxing just makes me feel queasy and watching fighting scenes in moves actually really bothers me. Yet watching hockey players get in a fight (which they are known to do) during a game almost thrills me. What the heck?! I'm so weird.
Every few weeks we try to make sure that Hyrum and Leia do something fun together...even if it's just hanging out at the mall!