Saturday, April 23, 2022

Ridiculously Behind

Even though my last journal entry was at the end of February, I still hadn't posted about other things that month...and then of course the couple of months after that.  So here is the short version.
Levi moved out in February.  As much as I would have loved for him to stay with us even longer, how could I be upset about that face!  He was so ready to move on and start his life outside our home, though...
....he only moved to the next street over.  As you can imagine, this Momma is happy knowing he is only a walk away!
We went to watch Leia perform.  I love watching her dance so much...almost as much as I love watching Hyrum watch her dance.  After the performance, Leia came right up to him and they just started dancing in the middle of one of the walkways.  They are so cute!
On Valentine's day, Leia came over.  She and Hyrum had pizza, cheese cake, and watched some Anime.  They fell in love with their interest in all things Asian.  I thought it was fitting that they are making the Asian hand gesture for a heart/love in this picture.
A few months ago, my Mom started sending a monthly subscription to "Gramma in a Box."  Ruger quickly started calling it "Nanny in a Box," which is adorable!  Every month I incorporate it in a Family Home Evening lesson.  I love it.  They love it!
At the end of February, Brigham had a cake demontration at the high school.  As always, he did so well!
My Mom sent me this picture one day and I loved it so much I had to put it in here.  No reason.  Just because they look so happy!
In March, Ruger started taking wrestling lessons.  It was a perfect sport for him to get some of that energy out.  As for Ruger, I think he just liked an excuse to take some kid down!

David started the process of a basement business, with his cousin Zel, in November of last year.  Levi and Brigham have been helping him out.  It makes me so proud that they have been working together.

For the last few weeks I have been working on 9 mini scrapbooks for some of my friends.  Most of them my Mom made.  I mean like she made the "bones" of it.  It is so cool that she can do that!  I didn't have to buy books; my Mom made them!  I just decorated and put in the pictures. 
Every book was different.  Here is just a few pictures.  It was a labor of love that I really enjoyed doing.  I loved it even more knowing part of it came from my Mom, who loves my friends too!
Last week a friend, Kelly, and I put together a surprise graduation party.  We had 5 friends graduating with either their Bachelors or Masters degrees.  That is a lot of dedication so it was important to us that we celebrated them.
Whew!  Finally caught up!

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