Sunday, November 28, 2021

Ruger turns 7!

On Friday, Ruger turned 7!  
Ruger had a hard time only picking a few kids to go to the Provo Rec Center for his birthday.  Mr. Popularity would have had many more kids there but watching 5 kids in water is just enough before this Momma (Daddy and Grandma Helen was there too) would have had a nervous breakdown.  I love the water.  Especially in the summer.  And put me in front of an ocean and you will find one of the most relaxed humans on this earth but I also fear it some areas.  I am afraid of water that I can't see through and I'm always on alert if I have children with me in water.  So, 5 kids at his birthday party was all that was allowed!
After playing at the rec center for a few hours, we went back to the house and had cake and ice cream.  Ruger's favorite present was a group present from Nanny, Poppy, Grandpa, and Chuck.  It was an electric scooter and this kid just LOVES it!

At 7 years old, Ruger is still a handful at times but it gets easier as he ages.  I think, for me at least, it is because he makes me laugh so much now.  He is seriously a funny kid with his little sayings and facial expressions.  And everyone loves this child.  Adults and children!  Everyone wants to be his friend and honestly, he wants to be your friend too!  Especially if you are a guy.  He's a mans man, through and through!  He loves Kids YouTube, playing games on his tablet, Taco Salad, junk food, making people laugh, being loud, and is still in love with his father!  He is anything but a regular 7 year old little boy.  He is stands out in a crowd and doesn't even know he's doing it!

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