Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Leia's Quinceanera

Leia's Quinceanera was on August 13th.  No one in our family had ever been to a Quinceanera before so to be able to go to our first for Leia was pretty darn cool.  Add that it was the coolest party that I personally have ever been too put it down in the records for me!

Leia was presented and I immediatley started to tear up.  She is truly a blessing to me.  She's special because she is this sweet girl that I love to be near but even more so, she is the girl who just "gets" Hyrum.  She is the whole package and I felt all the feelings when she walked in that big room in her beautiful white dress.  She danced with her step-Dad, which was adorable to watch.  Then came the time where the men/boys in the room is supposed to steal her away in their own dance.  Hyrum had been prepared for this but as prepared as he was, he was so nervous!  He was just about to get up when Leia's sweet Mom, Carolina, walked over to Hyrum to tell him that the song was getting close to being over with.  That meant the world to me because I knew she was doing it because it was important to Leia too!  So Hyrum got up and everyone in the room went a little wild!  There was so much cheering and then I lost it!  The tears could not be held back this time.

There was beautiful singing, Leia performing dances, dinner, photo booths, and so much dancing!

When it was time for us to leave, Hyrum told Leia goodbye.  We were just at the door when Leia came running to Hyrum and had to give him one last hug.  Oh, how she melts my heart!
Just some more pictures from the night.

When I began this post with saying that this was the coolest party that I had ever been to, I was not exaggerating.  I may not have gotten up and danced much (I had seriously hurt my side earlier that day) but it had the most entergetic feeling througout the night.  If it was that memorable for me, I can only imagine how it was for Leia and her family.

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