Saturday, March 6, 2021

Playing Catch Up

I've been so bad about journaling lately.  Not that a lot has happened, though.  Still, I'll play a little catch up now.

Hyrum and Brigham were invited by a couple of friends from church to go to the Labyrinth.  It's kind of like a physical way of playing a reality game.  With the pandemic, there has not been a lot of "get togethers" so this was so nice.  It made Momma happy that they were doing this.
Every since David has been gone during the week and only home on the weekends, Ruger started sneaking in my bed at night.  It's gotten pretty bad that he almost comes in every night.  But with me in  school, a lot of times, when he tries to sneak in I'm still up doing homework.  When that happens, I tell him to sleep on the floor so he isn't distracted by the light of my computer.  One night he set up this little makeshift bed.  Such a cutie pie!
Brittany now lives in Utah so we often have lunch together but Charlene lives in Arizona.  She came to Utah in January for her Grandma's funeral so we got to have a little college roommate reunion.  I need these girls in my life.  I talk to them several times during the week on the app Marco Polo.  We get each other through stuff and make each other laugh.  I love them like family!
I'll just end this post with this good looking guy!  Brigham has become such a friend to me.  With David gone so much, I'd say at least once a week, will come in my bedroom and just talk to me about stuff.  Sometimes its to help me with something I'm trying to figure out, sometimes its to get off his chest things that he is dealing with, but most of the time I think he just feels he is almost the man of the house when Dad is gone.  All the older boys are good to me but Brigham, I think, has this pull to be protective of me.  I'm so blessed to call him my son.

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