Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Suicide Prevention Week 2020

Ah, a happy face.  The image of a woman not coping with a mental illness that lies to her at times.  Would you believe that this week of national suicide prevention would mean so much to her?

Well, it does.  She has figured out her own coping mechanisms that work for her, throughout the years.  She has a wonderful support system in her husband, children, family, and friends when the lies in her head get too loud.  She prays for familial guardian angels to give her extra strength to listen to that support system; to recognize the truth and push out the lies in her head.  Because of these things, she has lived to 42 years old.  And she is grateful.

The following is something Alisa Rene' Adams wrote on her Facebook timeline in hopes to help others struggling with similar issues.  It's never easy openly discussing such serious flaws.  But if she can help just one person...

"I saw a quote indicating that suicide kills more than the person who has died at their own hands.  There is some truth to this.  How many of you have experienced the waves of grief that comes along after seeing a picture of your loved one who has left you?  How many times does a piece of your heart die a little when you hear an old familiar song that reminds you of that beautiful soul that you loved so much?  How many times does an old inside joke between you and your lost friend now resemble anything but laughter? 

For those of you who are, or tend to on occasion consider suicide, please stay with us.  I know that in the moment you are convinced that your loved ones would be better off without you.  I know this from personal experience and for that, I would never judge you in calling your thoughts selfish.  But I also know from experience that it is a lie!  Trust me, ending your life would break the hearts of many.  Killing yourself would kill a part of them.  Read that again.  Killing yourself would kill a part of them.  Stay with us.  Talk to us.  Reach out for help and we will do the heavy lifting for you until you regain your strength. "

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