Today turned out to be quite the big day for our family. Baby Spencer was blessed, I was set apart in my new calling, Hyrum graduated from Nursery and is now a Sunbeam and in the primary, and Levi was baptized and given the gift of the Holy Ghost. Levi's baptism was put together very quickly, only deciding on the date and details on Wednesday night. Today was such a wonderful day at church but that is not to say that there weren't a few bumps in the road before the actual baptism began.
After sacrament, David went to go through one of the closets to find the baptism jumpers. He approached me later and told me that he and Podge were going to go to Wal-Mart to try and find something white. I'm really trying not to freak out, as you can imagine. I mean, I had just been set apart for my calling in Young Women. The spirit was strong there as even the man who was giving the blessing was getting chocked up. It was one of the neatest experience that I've had with being set apart for a calling. So I was trying to hang on to that feeling as I was trying not to freak out about my son possibly being baptized in a robe or something. One comfort that I had was that as much as I love my husband, he is terrible at finding things. I knew there was a good chance that there was a jumper in that closet but Sunday School was going on right then when he was telling me this and of course the closet is located in the room that the class is going on in. Now that I'm thinking about it, we should have just went in there and looked. I mean seriously, if someone would get offended about us disrupting a class for a few minutes just to save us from breaking the Sabbath and having to head to Wal-Mart, well, there is something wrong where are priorities are in this branch. But do you think I considered that? Nope! I was too worried about offending all those people and it never even crossed my mind or those around me to go in there as we were discussing what to do. OH, the things that you will rationalize when you are starting to get a little freaked out. Anyways, we headed to Wal-Mart and of course there are no white pants or sweat bottoms but we did find white thermal the little girls department! We were laughing as Podge joked about Levi getting baptized in women's underwear (I was bent down picking up one of these sets of thermal underwear) when I went to get up and didn't realize until it was a little to late that I was stepping on my skirt and yep, you guessed it, I had to pick either to fall over or save myself and continue to rise up but would have to expose myself! Luckily, the 2 very good gentlemen that I were with both grabbed me just in time before I fell and all I have to say is that it was a good thing I had a one piece slip on! Of course, this could be a lesson on not shopping at Wal-Mart on the Sabbath!
So, we get back to the church and of course David finds the jumper once Tricia helps him. Ah, the experience makes for a good story!
The baptism was so perfect. I really don't think that it could have went any better. I am so proud of him for making the choice that he made today. Just as Poppy (Beck) spoke of, it is not the need to be baptized that is of most importance but of the steps that we take, in the correct order, to get us back to Heavenly Father. Levi is still so innocent in so many ways. I feel I need to be baptized almost daily with all that I mess up on but taking this 8 year old boy doesn't seem to make so much sense. He really is such a good boy who impresses me more than I deserve. But I also know that an example has been set to return to our Father in Heaven. I'm so proud of my Levi for taking this step.

Hyrum's big step today was leaving nursery and going into Primary. Poor Brother Bridges! The little girl in the polka dots was visiting but add 2 other boys to the mix here and that is the usual for Brother Bridges. This man is a saint for doing this every week! Just look at Brigham's face! This picture does not do justice for this man who tries his hardest to keep these boys in line. Now we are adding a little boy who isn't potty trained into the mix!

Since Levi was getting baptized today, I had my camera on hand. During Sacrament meeting, Levi got up to go to the bathroom. He seemed to be taking a long time so I got up to check on him. Sure enough, he was hiding in the entry way leading to the bathroom with Preston. I laughed at him because it was so unlike him and they were both giggling like the tiniest of little boys and as you can imagine, that just encouraged him more. I went to go find David, who had went into the hallway to calm Hyrum down, when I realized I had lost the boys again. This is what I found!

I sure do love boys!