Monday, September 15, 2014

Rooster Whisperer

David left for Texas last Thursday and is coming home tonight.  He and Stephen flew there to help their brother, Rob, on his house.  As I have mentioned before with them always having to do something when getting together, this was no different.  Those Adams boys sure are hard workers.  But I miss my hard worker and really want him home tonight.  His presence has certainly been missed.

One of the first nights while he was gone, he called and I told him to make sure he got a picture with him and his brothers.  Then I thought about it for a while and told him to get one with the chickens that Rob and Erin have.  At first it was because I want chickens but then I remembered how I call him the Rooster Whisperer.  Long story.  You'll have to look back at a past post to get those details.  

So yesterday I got a picture from Erin on my phone...

My husband is so awesome!  And his brothers are pretty cool too :)

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