Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Health Update

I have wrote about my eczema issues in the past and I wanted to update about something that I have found that works.  I have been taking Immunophen Pine Cone extract.  It doesn't have the greatest taste but it works!  You put the extract under your tongue 2 times a day.  It is made to strengthen your immune system, and maybe it has done that, but the difference I have noticed is with my eczema and itchy ear.  My right ear has itched since living in Colorado.  I can't express well enough how annoying it is!  I know I shouldn't, but it gets really bad at night, while laying in bed (the only reason I can think of why it is worse then is that I am not busy at the time and just laying there so I can't help but feel it while not distracted by daily routines.) I almost always end up getting a Q-Tip, putting anti itch cream on it, and stick it down my ear.  The problem is, I know it isn't good to do that so close to my ear drum as well as the itch only really goes away for a short period before I feel it again.  So Immunophen sent me this extract to use.  Honestly, I didn't really notice much while I was putting it under my tongue.  So I contaced the company and they suggested that I mix oil with it and drop it in my ear.  Oh my gosh, INSTANTLY I felt a difference.  It made me curious so I put it straight on my eczema and it only took a few days before that went away also.  

Eczema runs in my family and I am leaving for Oklahoma tomorrow to visit them.  I am bringing some of the Immunophen Pine Cone extract to them so they can try it.  I am seriously so happy that I found this!

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