Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve 2012

We spent Christmas Eve with just our family today.  The older boys kept asking who we were spending it with (like we were going to change our mind:) and were disappointed when I said we were just going to be with each other but I really enjoyed it.  It was peaceful.  At about the time that I knew Dad would be making his famous Christmas Eve burgers (the only burgers I will eat, mind you), I did get homesick though.  I knew Mom and Dad's house would be bustling right about then. 

I tried, throughout the day, to make sure that the boys felt the spirit of Christmas.  We read a few books and scriptures about our Savior and all in all, I think we did well.  There have been Christmas pasts where I have felt disappointed in myself as I felt that I didn't focus enough on our Savior's birth, life, death, and resurrection.

 But on to the festivities!  The boys started building, with their presents, walls around themselves....and thanks to MeMaw, Poppy, Nanny, Poppy, and Uncle Chuck, the boys had PLENTY this year!
 My favorite reactions were from Brigham.  He is so animated as it is....add beloved Sonic the Hedgehog to the mix and you will get quite the show!
 By the time he opened up his Sonic slippers from MeMaw and Poppy, he was yelling, "Oh My Gosh!  You TOTALLY  have to take a picture of this!"
Hyrum is still so young that every present that was opened was the best present in the world.  I will really miss that when he grows up.
 My parents always got us new night gowns every year that we would wear Christmas Eve night.  They have continued to do this for not only their children but for the Grandchildren as well.  Hyrum would not leave me alone about putting on mine and insisted on us taking a picture together with our new nighties. 
Just a funny thing that I want to remember, so I'm recording it.  Growing up, we always called our night outfits, "night gowns."  It didn't matter if it was a pair of boxer shorts (I went through a phase where that it what I wore to bed every night) and a t-shirt or an actual night gown; we still called it a night gown.
Fast forward to the early years of mine and David's marriage.  One night, as we were getting ready for bed, I told him that he should get his night gown on.  He stopped dead in is tracks and just looked at me.  I honestly didn't know why he was giving me this expressionless face.  "What?"  I said.  "I don't wear night gowns." he said.  It took me a while to get it but then I just started cracking up!  I don't know if he thought I was playing a trick on him or what but to this day, I love telling people that story.  So, now I have changed my wording to nighties in this household of boys....though, I don't know if that is any better considering some people use that as in the naughty sleep wear :).


Char said...

Nighties!!!! Hahahaha

Amanda said...

Hahahaha just like you an the "holler" :) I love you alisa!

Unknown said...

I miss those little cuties!