Friday, March 2, 2012

Mother Nature

Growing up in Oklahoma, often what first comes to mind when the month of March comes along is the beginning of tornado season.  It is scary to me to think of the differences of tornado seasons growing up and tornado seasons now.  I can remember knowing that if you were in a trailer during a tornado, there was a good chance you were going to be hurt and maybe killed.  But after last May and what we saw of the destruction that occurred way to close to home, I know things have gotten worse.  I think one can still be very safe in an underground cellar/shelter but I remember growing up and knowing that you could go in the middle of the house or a bathroom and still be safe.  After Joplin, however, that was proof that those people had no where to go and not even the middle of the house was safe.  
As you can imagine, I am so grateful to not be in the Midwest right now.  I have heard plenty of times, of lately, people wondering why anyone would live in a place like Oklahoma.  Everyone here seems to know exactly why we moved but can't understand whatever possessed us to live there in the first place.  It is kind of humorous to me.  I know plenty of family and friends back home who would get ruffled up by those comments and questions.  When you ask someone from the Midwest they usually respond with, "Well, it's a whole lot better than earthquakes and hurricanes!"  Moving around so much, I think it is all funny.  I know from growing up there that you just get used to it, so doesn't seem as bad as the unknown like a hurricane.  But after moving around so much and realizing that every region is SO different, well, you just can't outrun Mother Nature.  I personally love where we are, climate wise.  I will take a pounding of snow any day, compared to the rest.  But does that mean I am really safe?  This area is on a fault line and many say it will strike one day.  Am I prepared?  Mother Nature has really made me think a lot lately and I am trying my hardest to make sure my family is prepared. 
But in the meantime.....

We are enjoying our snow!

I can't seem to break from the internet news (Fox) lately with seeing how everyone in the Midwest is doing.  This has been my favorite picture so far.  I think it was taken in Harrisburg, IL.  

You have to have humor in times like these!

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