Thursday, July 14, 2011


It seems that at least one of my boys wants to do Chuck E Cheese for their birthday each year. This year it was Brigham who really wanted it. There were more kids there yesterday than this picture indicates but with cautious toddlers and older cousins that are feeling to old for this, this is all I could round up!
If you look back 2 years ago on Brigham's birthday, you will see a similar pictures. Auntee loves to get in on the fun!
Brigham is probably the most photogenic out of all my kids. I love this picture of him. You can kind of see the embarrassment on his face as everyone is watching but a little bit of loving it too!
He, of course, got plenty of presents. This picture is of the gift that kept on giving! Chuck's birthday bag seems to never end!
It seems you can never get enough tokens at this place.....and believe me, plenty is always bought!
A few days ago Brigham was talking about his soon to be birthday party and said, "We need to leave tomorrow if we are going to go to the Chuck E Cheese in Utah." He knew it takes a day to get there.......if only we could have given him that for his birthday too!
While driving to Chuck E Cheese in Joplin, David and I were so impressed with how much clean up has been done on the main roads since the tornado, that we decided that after Chuck E Cheeses we would drive around the housing areas. I am so grateful for the outpouring of help that has came to the rescue of Joplin, MO. There is still much to be done but the difference is amazing! Streets were cleared within days after the storm but for the longest time they were just trying to find bodies and not worry about clean up. Well, at least it seemed like a long time because so many wanted to help around here. It was so nice to come back and see that so much had been cleaned up. It was nice not to have to see military at every corner. People were rebuilding. At the end of most lawns were piles of debris just waiting to be picked up. I am very grateful to live in an area where people want to help themselves!
The most sobering thing that I saw this time as we were driving around was next to the hospital that was hit. There were mobile stations glorified tents. Tents for the ER and such.....can you imagine having a child in the middle of night with a terrible fever or a child who has had a serious accident and driving up to this place? Americans really are resilient. We amaze me sometimes. We make it work.

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