As I've said before, Brigham LOVES holidays! He never lets us forget any of them. We made a gingerbread house last year and of course he is going to make sure that we do it this year also. So I bought a kit at Wal-Mart for Family Home Evening last night. From the time that I told him about it when picking him up from school until we actually put it together (which was after dinner and after everything was cleaned up) he probably asked a dozen or more times about when it would be time. Last year, a dear friend of mine (Lachelle Jensen) from Rexburg sent us a homemade Christmas card entitled, "Gingerbread Wisdom." It was a cute poem about how we tend to get lost in the craziness of commercial Christmas that we forget the whole reason behind the real meaning of Christmas. Like the Gingerbread Man who ran and ran as fast as he could, we tend to do that at Christmas with everything that we feel "has to be done" at Christmas time, forgetting what is really important. What the card pointed out, that I thought was interesting, was that those things that seem so important to us to "get done" are usually the things that we forget about in the end...the things that don't hold a lot of memories. I kept that card and just happened to run across it on the day that I bought this gingerbread house kit. I have no doubt that the Lord wanted me to tie it in with our FHE lesson. The boys always love FHE (in fact, the other day Brigham asked, "Is Family Home Evening today?" I told him no, that it was on Monday. He said, "Oooooo, I wish it was everyday!") but tonight I was the one who was really loving FHE. Lesson learned.
5 days ago
When I saw this I had a memory pop in my head of decorating gingerbread houses as a YW group in Grove years ago whith your mom and grandma helping!
Hopefully one day I get to meet your "new" family!
Thanks, Alissa! That's exactly what I needed too! Would you email me the Gingerbread Wisdom poem?!
Here's the poem -
Running and hurrying as fast as we can,
Sometimes we live like the Gingerbread Man,
During the holidays there’s so much to be done,
It’s all we can do to keep up - so we run, run & run!
Parties, programs, decorations and baking,
Shopping for presents and Christmas plans making,
We have so little time to stop and to think,
Our lists seem unending - yet it’s over in a wink.
So we send you this gift to remind you the reason
There is so much giving and loving this season.
We hope you will enjoy this Gingerbread Man -
and pause to reflect on your own Christmas plans.
We hope you’ll remember the Gingerbread Man’s story,
How running and running brought him no glory.
Then maybe you’ll have the courage to cross off your list,
The little things that won’t really be missed.
As you take tiime to reflect on this beautiful season,
We know your life will be touched by the heart of its reason
For of all things that make Christmas,
It’s important to remember just one -
The Reason we have Christmas:
Heavenly Father sent His Son.
copyright 2011 Kayla Lamoreaux
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